Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Happy birthday to me ...

Well, I couldn't have asked for a better day. Bright and sunny, with a clear blue summer sky. Presents and cards - including a Muse CD and Electroplankton for the DS from Jan, a hardback copy of Lord of the Rings from Alicia, soaps from Jamie and a t-shirt from my mum (the Da Vinci Cod - ho ho).

I had some work to do, but nothing too strenuous - a new screen to update brought forward depreciation figures and an interminable support call from one of the project managers who was having problems with the sales spreadsheet, but time to have a coffee sat outside in the shade.

Lunch was a sandwich at the local pub - sadly the choice on the menu seems to have declined as the price has increased, but my roast pork and apple sauce sarnie was fine, particularly when washed down with a pint of John Smith's Cask bitter. Yum.

Back home for a bit more work, a walk with the dog and watering the garden whilst listening to some more of the Dark Tower. I think I'll probably finish listening to it in the car tomorrow.

Tea was some barbecued sausages and a burger with all the trimmings - lettuce, tomato, red onion, cheese and jalapeno relish. Yum again!

Finally, more beer and white chocolate coated strawberries whilst watching the first half of Capote - chilling and compelling, and I'm looking forward to seeing the conclusion.

Well, it's nearly midnight, so time to post this and turn in.

A fine day, indeed


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Greetings!

I'm glad you had a good one!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous Me said...

Feliz Cumpleanos! (You've probably heard "Happy Birthday" enough already.)