Sunday, May 14, 2006


I feel ok when I am standing up. I feel ok when I am sitting down. It’s just the transition between the two states that causes certain muscles along the tops of my thighs to protest rather vigorously. Ow ow ow.

One of the things we looked at yesterday was the difference that even a small turn of the back foot from its correct position could make to the effectiveness of a lunge. When everything is done properly it is possible to extend the lunge in a cohesive line, greatly adding to the effectiveness of the attack. It’s related to the concept of chi in eastern martial arts, but the western treatise writers didn’t have the same vocabulary to describe it. Whatever you call it, its certainly given my legs a good workout.

I did manage a trip into town though, picking up a copy of Tron 2.0 for the xbox for me and Dynasty Warriors II for Jamie. The Tron game is visually stunning, replicating the look of movie perfectly, but I’m not sure about the gameplay yet. It seems a bit tricky, so I may well restart the game on easy, but I can’t really complain too much for a fiver.

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