Thursday, April 06, 2006

Multi tasking

It's been one of those days.

I struggled out of bed and downstairs to take the dog for a walk, and then I noticed that Biddy the cat had been sick in her basket. And down the side of the tumble drier. And on the mat. I cleaned it up, and put the mat and the basket into wash, and then went out.

I got back, made a cup of tea and then thought that I had better hoover up and mop the floor properly. I got halfway through hoovering when the doorbell went - the garage calling to pick up my car for a repair to the dodgy electric window and the clutch - and then my work phone went with an urgent problem. The scheduling system needed re-registering and it was close to its licence limit, so I put in a call to the suppliers for a new key, and went to finish the floors.

I applied the licence key, picked up another problem to deal with and then jumped in the shower and got some breakfast, remembering that it had been meusli that we were nearly out of when I was trying to think what we needed from the shops the day before.

I brought my cereal and juice upstairs to check on the replication problem, and realised that the processes on the two machines - the snapshot creation on the source and the loading of the data on the target weren't in sync for some reason, so I changed the timing on the second process and rang the contracts admin girl back to let her know. Then I finished my juice and put a second load of washing on.

More fun with databases, resetting passwords, out of balance journals that posted when I applied them and then a nice cup of coffee. I fixed a problem with a spreadsheet that my boss had been nagging me about at six o'clock yesterday and sent it to the purchasing manager to test and let me know if it had worked or not. He still hasn't replied, so I'm assuming it is all ok.

Lunch of a cheese and pepperoni toastie with a cup of tea, a bit of Animal Crossing (77 bells, but at least my flower display is looking nice), and then more of the same, with each problem that I have sorted out conspiring to overlap slightly with the next one leaving me feeling a bit rushed.

The garage have just brought the car back, and it looks nice and shiny and clean, which just about makes up for the two previous service appointments that they have cocked up by not communicating with the leasing company properly.

Time for another walk, a cappucino and then a bit of Godfather might be in order ... the Tatalligia compound is going to burn tonight ... :-)

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