Tuesday, February 21, 2006


We had a problem with the document management system at work last week. Every time certain orders were printed by the contracts management team the system would crash rather spectacularly. I know nothing about this particular system, and in fact it is a throw back to the original Leeds systems, so I logged it as a problem with the internal support group. After a couple of days holiday, I come back to find that the call has been closed because they tested it in Leeds and it looked like it was working OK. They didn’t think to check with the people who were actually having the problem in Birmingham and when I asked them to retest it by printing to the same printer, surprise surprise the problem manifested. Now they’ve just got to work out why … grrr.

The next irritation was when I got home. The horde of pikey kids next door, whose idea of a game of football is to boot their ball as hard as they can at our fence for two hours whilst grunting at each other had kicked the ball into our outside light and smashed the fitting, and then buggered off. Grrr redux.

Still, after I had been for a walk with the dog and had a snooze, the world looked a little better. Jan had tackled the north face of the ironing pile and made a spectacular spag bol for tea, and then it was time for a glass of beer and an excellent episode of Life on Mars.

Night all.

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