Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bored bored bored

It’s user training for the new purchase ordering system this week and that means running through the same procedures over and over again with different groups. My boss is actually leading the training sessions, which leaves me with not very much to do other than field the occasional technical question and try not to fall asleep. The afternoon session today was the worst so far – the room was very stuffy and I could feel my eyelids drooping several times before we finally stopped for a coffee break. We’ve got another full day tomorrow, and two more days next week as well – aaargh.

Last night was fencing though, and it was excellent. Some review work on the compression techniques and then forty minutes of good old fashioned winner-stays-on freeplay. Everybody got a chance to fight everybody else several times, and play around with different techniques and just have some fun.

1 comment:

creepylesbo said...

Are you suffering from a mental case of RSI?