Friday, November 18, 2005

Winter draws on ...

By jiminy, it was chilly this morning. I was very glad of my hat and gloves as I crunched through the frost in the moonlight, and even more glad of the climate control on my car which defrosted the windscreen in under a minute.

Last night was Alicia's parents evening at school, and it was a bit of an ordeal because the ex decided that she ought to show an interest and turned up as well. It was not enough that Alicia had got A grades in every subject - she had to find something to pick on and criticize. In this case it was a couple of pieces of Spanish homework that Alicia had handed in late through being disorganised and forgetting to put in her folder on the right days. Never mind that it had already been sorted out between Alicia, her teacher and her form tutor, it was as if Alicia was on the verge of failing her exams or something. Also, she seemed to think that Alicia shouldn't have been at the parents evening as if she was incapable of discussing her own education in an adult way. Grrrr.

Still, accentuate the positive. Alicia is doing fabulously well at school, and is really one of the star pupils so yaybo for her. I think a trip to see Harry Potter is on the cards this weekend as well as a bit of extra spending money for a new dvd or a book or something.

In other news, my lip is healing nicely - the swelling is starting to subside and there isn't any infection where the stitches are. It's still an interesting shade of purple, but the lump has definitely gone - hurrah!

1 comment:

Niles said...

Winter Draws On

I'm already wearing mine!

Woo to Alicia.