Friday, August 12, 2005

Software, sand and swords

Work has been fun today, with one of our development managers picking holes in the user interface for our timesheet software, but fortunately it is all constructive criticism and it will stop the developers from finding excuses not to use it when they get their hands on it (and we won’t mention the quality of some of the software that they have been known to turn out …)

In other news, our garden looks like a cross between the Somme and a builders merchant’s yard with craters, piles of dirt, bricks and stones, and sundry tools including a cement mixer as Tony the horse whispering landscape gardener cracks on with building walls and leveling bits out. Barney has had a fine time running in and out with Tony’s dog, leaving a trail of cement coloured paw prints behind himself as he goes. I cleaned the kitchen floor last night, and it will need doing again tonight for sure …

Finally, it is judgment day at fencing tomorrow and I’m having my obligatory pre-exam jitters and I was convinced that I had forgotten the difference between a squalembrato and a ridoppio this morning … doh!

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