Thursday, August 04, 2005

Birthday boy

Well, Jamie is nine today, and what a fantastic day he’s had. Presents in the morning including a Doctor Who monster book, some Teen Titans graphic novels, a new video game and some lego – a fiendishly complex motorbike which he got stuck into making straight away. At lunchtime Nan and Grandad arrived and some of Jamie’s friends were collected and we set off for the big birthday treat, namely a trip to Magna.

Set in a huge former steel works in Rotherham, Magna is as interesting from an artistic perspective as for the industrial archeology and the science exhibits. The main building is half a kilometer long and over forty meters high and it is stunningly lit inside, with a walkway leading you over the relics of a bygone age to the different pavilions themed around different elements from air up in the roof space, through fire, water and earth at the lowest level. The operation of the arc furnace is recreated in a breath taking audio-visual display that is almost worth the price of admission alone.

Jamie and his friends marvelled at the fire tornado, played air hockey, drove real JCB diggers and of course managed to get completely soaked in the water exhibit before running outside to dry off in a huge adventure playground. Great fun was had by all, and we won’t mention Nan nearly managing to lose one of the children in Mc Donalds where we went for tea afterwards … Home for birthday cake and a chance to sit down with a cup of tea.

Happy birthday Jamie!

1 comment:

maria said...

Oh, I am a terrible friend! Happy belated b-day Jamie! Hmm... how about an air pump?
