Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Take them bowling

Master Dogwood's friend Charlie is sleeping over tonight, and so, because Master Dogwood is still snuffly the treat of the day was to go bowling at the local Superbowl. To be brutally snobbish it was chav central - far too many people wearing baseball caps when they clearly had no intention of playing baseball and enough nylon shell suits to create a major fire risk in the event of a stray spark. The place smelt of stale smoke, rancid chip fat and sweaty feet. The music was thumpingly loud, the balls were cracked and the pins wobbled and fell over of their own accord.

Needless to say, we all enjoyed it, although the kids started to get a little bored in the second game and went to play "Hair Ockey" as Charlie put it, instead. Ms Dogwood had the best technique of lobbing the ball down the lane and turning around to use her psychic powers to get it to knock the pins down. Nanny Dogwood won both games, telling us several times of the trophies that she had won in her youth, and was unbearably smug every time she got a strike.

I feel knackered now, but at least at my current rate I'll not be going bowling again until some time in 2012.

1 comment:

thermalsatsuma said...

Heh. Thought you were talking about CNPS for a minute there. I got a 104 in the second game, but Nan still managed to get 119 somehow ...