Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Random Stupidity

Trying to create the expenses invoices out of the timesheets system is turning out to be a very bad idea. Our policy is apparently simple - £90 for travel, £100 for overnight and a flat rate charge. However there are a huge list of sites that have been given special rates, some depending on the mileage travelled, some on the method of travel with different rates for road, rail and air (and even one that involves a ferry journey!), some have different accommodation charges, some have different rates for different project managers or different contracts. Some have wangled no expenses charges at all.

In short there is no way that I am going to slot this information into the three fields that I have spare, which means database changes, which means program changes, which means delay until the programmer acquires the necessary circular tuit.

I also have to find a way to collate this data from half a dozen different spreadsheets and scraps of paper in a form that can be uploaded to the database, and then construct a query that will get it out in a form that can interface to the accounts system.

As the French would say, bolleax ...

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