Sunday, January 02, 2005

Swords and Christmas Cake

No, not an undiscovered Fafhrd and Gray Mouser novel, but rather how I have spent most of today. We had use of a church hall in Chesterfield today, so an impromptu meeting of the Society for the Study of Swordsmanship (Sheffield Chapter) was called for a bit of swash and buckle fun.

Sue from the Leeds group was down for the day and got us started on some blade control work with a drill where you would try and hit a target held in different positions by somebody as many times as possible in a minute. We initially tried using a spare mask, but it got rather, errm, dented so a buckler was substituted and proved to be a much more satisfying target.

It wasn't a formal training day so we took things at a more sedate pace than our normal workshop sessions and during the various breaks in the day we made a good dent in my mum's rather tasty christmas cake. It was a good opportunity to chill out and listen to yet more of Rick and Sue's army tales ... :-)

We finished the day with a game of British Bulldog (with the twist that everybody was armed with a sword) and a spot of freeplay to put the earlier blade control and footwork exercises into practice, before retiring to the pub for a well earned coke.

Do I need to say that it was an all round fun day? Probably not ... :-)

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