Thursday, January 06, 2005


I've been providing support for the new timesheets system today, and I've sent twenty emails to various people that are all subtly different variations on the message 'Read the fabulous manual'. I've had to explain that it is not a time recording system down to the last minute of every day, that it doesn't take account of weekend work (that has to be agreed in advance by a manager in any case) and that the activity code for travel is, not surprisingly, 'Travel', which you can see if you click on the drop down box. Sigh.

In other news, the IT bods don't want to have VPN connections on the new domain, so my manager is going to have to spend about £500 to get a phone line, adsl connection and pre-configured router for me to connect to the office in much the same way as I do now, in a way that doesn't cost the company anything and if they bothered to set up an IPSEC connection would be more secure. I can still connect to the old domain, so I'm hoping that nobody spots that before I get my new line.

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