Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I spy

Unusual animals spotted this morning, 2.

As I walked along the edge of the field on the way to the woods, the owl that has taken up residence recently flew overhead, close enough that I could feel the air displaced by its wings and yet completely silent. It was quite unnerving and I felt a pang of pity for any field mice not under cover at that moment. On the way back the dog tugged on his lead and went to sniff at what looked like an old football. Shining the torch on it revealed it to be a very cute hedgehog, but no doubt ridden with pestilential infections and fleas so I reeled the dog in before he could get any closer.

CNPS numbers, 3.

My most productive day ever, with 41, 42 and 43. I also saw a 45 and a 46, which just shows that the Gods are up to their old tricks ...

Gaping holes in our new timesheets system, 1.

The new timesheets system seems to be functioning reasonably well, barring the users who clearly haven't read the notes that I have done and keep asking 'why doesn't update all of the rows that I've entered?' to which the simple reply is that 'You didn't click on the 'update all rows' button at the bottom of the screen'

More worrying is the reaction of my boss, who now wants to use the system to generate invoices for third party contractors when there is nowhere to hold any of the relevant information for the amount of the invoice, cost of sales and coding apart from a limited notes field. Once again we are going to try and use a system for a purpose that it is blatently not designed for. Sigh.

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