Weather - surprisingly sunny, and the blustery breezes of recent days have abated somewhat too. If it stays like this for the weekend, I will make a start on tidying up some of the overgrown bushes at the back of the garden.
The day started with a rescue mission when Daisy brought a mousie in through the cat flap and then let it go, whereupon it scurried under the dog's basket to hide. I turfed the dog out (much to his disgruntlement) and managed to catch the mouse and let it go outside. Daisy spent the next hour looking at the basket in case it rematerialised, and eventually Doris went out, found it and scoffed it after I had left for work.
In the absence of Halo related fun, last night was a watch of Prince of Persia which was enjoyable, but a bit rambling and incoherent in places. There were an unexpected number of British sitcom actors in various roles, including somebody who was in 'Pete vs Life' the other week and Geoff out of Coupling as a rival prince. Most strange. It would be nice if Blu-Ray had a button to press to answer the question 'that's thingy out of wossname, who was in that thing with the other one' without having to look it up on IMDB.
So, Pope Ratzo has landed and immediately equated atheists with Nazis. Remind me again who was a member of the Hitler Youth and strutted around with 'Gott Mitt Uns' on his belt buckle - here's a clue, it wasn't Richard Dawkins. Also, apparently the windows of La Senza, a shop which sells fancy pants on Princes Street in Edinburgh, had to be boarded up in the case the sight of scanty undergarments offended the delicate sensibilities of his holiness. After all, it would be a major scandal if a priest was found in a lingerie department, wouldn't it?
Anyhoo, have failed to deliver me a copy of Halo:Reach, so Jan has jetpacked to the rescue and bought me a copy from Asda, so if you'll excuse me I have a glorious last stand against the ravening alien hordes to attend to ...
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