Much more betterer is the sight of Barney and Doris sharing Barney's new dog cushion bed thing. It was sposed to be for Barney's sole use, but Doris plonked herself in the middle first. Still, at least they are both comfy.

In games news today, I have been playing with two stunning examples of the sort of technology available on the iPhone. First was Backbreaker, a simplified American football game available as a freebie on the app store today. All it involves is running the ball into the end zone and avoiding the defenders by dodging out of the way, but it does it with some amazing rag doll physics that make the inevitable tackles look *really* painful. Second, is Epic Citadel - a tech demo of the Unreal Tournament engine running on the iPhone that allows you explore a phenomenally detailed castle with smooth movement and spectacular lighting effects. The UT SDK is free to use now, so this promises good things for games using this technology.

1 comment:
I love that picture of Barney and Doris. Mom was reminiscing about her childhood dog and cat and how they were always found sleeping in a heap, usually under the stove.
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