Friday, May 26, 2006

Alphabetti memeage

Accent: BBC English most of the time

Booze: Real ale please.

Chore I Hate: Shopping, without a doubt. I’m eternally grateful to Jan for doing most of it.

Dogs/Cats: Dogs. I’d be lost without a dog to walk twice a day.

Essential Electronics: GBA DS, Muvo Mp3 player, iPaq PDA, Sharp PC-MC1110 ultra portable pc.

Favourite Perfume/Cologne: Not a fan of perfume

Gold/Silver: silver

Rarely – I tend to wake up early if I’m worried about something

Job Title: Accounts systems analyst

Kids: Alicia and Jamie

Living Arrangements:
with my lovely wife Jan and the kids.

Most Admired Trait:

Number of Sexual Partners:

Overnight Hospital Stays:
None that I can remember, maybe one when I was a toddler

Phobia: Clowns. Evil, white faced, red nosed bastards.

Quote :
Buffy : “I think I speak for everyone here when I say, ‘huh?’”

Religion: Atheist

A younger brother

Time I usually wake up: 6:00am, followed by a walk with the dog and then a nice cup of tea.

Unusual talents: I can solve programming problems in my sleep.

Vegetable I refuse to eat: None that I can think of.

Worst Habit: Procrastination

X-Rays: Lots of dental x-rays from orthodontic treatment

Yummy Foods I Make: My macaroni cheese is a hit with the kids

Zodiac Sign: Leo, I think, but it’s all a load of baloney.

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