Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Swords and ice magic

Last night I fell in love.

A rapier with an epee blade, Papenheimer hilt and a carved wooden grip - superbly balanced and as fast as lightning. In the words of Andy from Little Britain - "I want *that* one!". We also know that our Scholar's assesments are going to be in August, which seems a way off, but is only three workshop sessions away. I veer from feeling confident to complete panic when called on to demonstrate attack six from that verdammtes eight position parry sequence. Still, it will come with more practice and now that the weather is more clement I can start using the pergola for target practice. Still need to get a lawnmower, circular tuit permitting ...

There was ice on the grass this morning, and a stunning blue sky as the sun rose above the woods. Even though I felt tired it kick started my brain nicely. I've been toying with ideas for Jan to illustrate, and one of them involves the woods where I walk twice a day. The bluebells are just starting to peek through now, and in a week or so they will be in full bloom - a riot of purple dappled with sunlight. I really must start taking my camera with me as a matter of course to capture the moment.

What else? Leeds today, and a walk into town shortly for my usual sushi and browse around the shops. It struck me this morning that I've not seen any political posters this election - not the giant billboard adverts, but the ones that people stick in their windows. We've only had one leaflet from the Lib Dems so far - I suppose the others simply aren't bothering, and they wonder why people are apathetic if the activists can't even be bothered.

1 comment:

maria said...

still no lawnmower, huh?