Saturday, December 25, 2004

White Christmas

What a fantastic day.

The kids were still in bed when I went out for the first walk of the day and just as I got to the wood the snow started to fall, large flakes softly pattering on the ground. I returned home to a warm house with happy children opening presents from their stockings, a nice cup of tea and some toasted home made bread with three fruit marmalade for breakfast.

More presents were opened after breakfast, and I am now the proud owner of an acre of the moon and a small book of Shakespearean insults amongst other things, the children had everything they wanted including the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack for Ms Dogwood and the new Incredibles game for Master Dogwood for his Gamecube.

Mrs Dogwood did us proud with a magnificient Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and I had to loosen my belt a notch to clean my plate. After doing the washing up I was incapable of doing anything more than retiring to bed for a snooze.

A merry little christmas, indeed.

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