Tuesday, September 17, 2024


More wandering in the wild woods, exploring a glowing fairy ring of mushrooms that of course turned out to be a portal to another realm where we had to talk our way out of an encounter with the Troll King. No treasure to be found, much to Krisanna’s disappointment. We harvested some of the mushrooms for Longstride the wizard.

Next was a trip to an island in a lake rumoured to be a source of the amber gold fruit that we needed to complete the elixir. After getting lost and falling in quicksand, we reached the lake and lashed together some tree trunks to make a raft and crossed the water avoiding a dangerous looking water serpent. Apples picked, we headed for the other shore noticing that the sky was turning a worrying dark colour. 

The wizards house was guarded by a thorn maze and we discovered an interesting looking pit that Krisanna’s treasure sense told her was worth exploring. She abseiled down on a rope and started exploring, finding five corpses wrapped in webbing … oh. It was a close call as she was stung and knocked down, but fortunately the rest of the party rescued her from certain death.

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