Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Shadow Over Gloomshire

After exploring the catacombs we headed back upstairs to confront the Morrigan and restore balance to temple of the Blue Rose. Krisanna the halfling did her usual trick of rushing ahead without thinking of the consequences and got a face full of crow bile for her troubles. It was a tough fight, with two near deaths, but some hefty damage rolls and judicious use of overpowered fireballs saved the day. No treasure to be found though (sad face).

Heading back to the village, we found that no one remembered the dark days of the zombie siege (or gave us a reward) but at least the circus was in town. Krisanna won a suspiciously rattly coconut at the shy, bought a stick of candyfloss as big as her head and then we all went to have our fortunes told. We all received the prophecy of a shadow dragon to be found in the cave of echoes to the north west, but that we would need a sunstone to defeat it, so it looks like we are heading to the temple of the Morning Sun next!

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