Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Late Show

Another chilly day, with snow on the way apparently. I went out a bit earlier this morning but fortunately the windscreen didn't take too much scraping to get the frost off. Setting off at that time seemed to avoid some of the traffic too.

Major frustration at work where we are in the middle of an implementation at a customer site and found out that their IT department had rolled out vista at the same time, causing the whole network to grind to a halt. All of the work that we have done has gone through happily, but the customer can't actually see it. Grrr. Still, on the plus side we have several carrier bags full of sweeties from a trade show that the consultants went to last week. Om nom nom.

Out at lunchtime to brave the chill and buy a new cartridge for our laser printer. I bought the wrong one, due to some confusion about which model our printer actually is, but Jan managed to get it to fit by trimming off some little bits of plastic that seemed to be the only thing that differentiates the TN2000 and the TN2005. I also bought nine packets of crisps and some dog chews from the pound shop (I paid a pound!).

Last night's telly was the first part of 'Any Human Heart' which deals with the memories of a an elderly man looking back over his life and loves during the twentieth century. It was very well made, even if some of the intersections with iconic figures such as Ernest Hemmingway and Wallis Simpson seemed a little bit forced. I particularly enjoyed the dreamlike quality of some of the memories, and it's an interesting compare and contrast with the books I have been reading of late with Christopher Hitchens' memoir and 'The Pregnant Widow' by Martin Amis which deal with the regrets and memories that accumulate over the span of a human life.

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