Thursday, May 06, 2010

Life During Wartime

Miserable and wet today first thing, and it didn't really get much brighter through the rest of the day.

I felt oddly deflated, and my mood wasn't helped by seeing that the desktop wallpaper on someone's PC at work was set to a huge, gurning picture of Cameron's face. I also saw the front page of the Sun where they had misappropriated the iconic Obama 'Change' image - wonder how that one will go down at Fox News HQ? Very odd. I sincerely hope that the tories aren't looking at a majority tomorrow morning. I could just about stomach a minority government with electoral reform and the promise of another election in six months time as the price for Lib Dem support, but that's about as much of that smug, Etonian oaf that I can take. Enough. Roll on the count.

Still, there's some comedy to look forward to on the box tonight, as well as the last 'Vote Now Show' to listen to while I'm having my tea. I've also started enjoying Adam Buxton's 'Big Mixtape' which has really picked up after a slightly shaky start. Adam still sounds lost without Joe though.

I may also play a bit of Animal Crossing too. (Oh, who am I kidding - I *will* play a bit of Animal Crossing - I've played nearly every day since we got it). I'm unsure whether to spend my profits from a particularly lucrative turnip deal (10,000 neeps bought at 96, sold at 524 - get in!) on a set of Gracie, Gracie furniture from the city. It would do wonders for my Happy Room Academy score.

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