Friday, May 14, 2010

Let X=X

Well, the gasman comethed and then he wentethed and the boiler still isn't working properly so he's got to cometh back again tomorrow. Buggrit.

In other news, I'm tired, we've just been out to Asda where my trolley seemed to be stuck behind a fellow who was a dead ringer for Johnny Vegas and sporting an impressive builder's cleavage. Somebody really should tell him that if you are going for the 'low slung' look then you need a pair of fashionable undercrackers to go with it. Not a good start to Friday night.

Still, it's time for a glass of white and a go of Alan Wake - huzzah!

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

Hahahah - love it. Builder's cleavage = Plumber's crack in Am. Eng. Undercrackers is a new word for me, and I'm going to work it into my vocabulary immediately. If possible, in the same sentence as balls-up.