Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Laid low by a bug
Working at home in easy reach
Of the nearest loo

When looking for truth
In a health scare, it pays to
Follow the money

Life in Nelson's fleet
Trafalgar Origins gives
A taste of the times

Killer ants attack!
The humans fight back with a
Kettle of water

The hardest working
Man in comedy returns


Anonymous Me said...

Yay! I'm so happy A-Eye-Otti-Ma is back. I just opened iTunes to make sure it's downloaded, and there it is. I've grown *really* fond of Collings and Herrin, but I've missed the combination of Richard Herring & TV's Emma Kennedy.

thermalsatsuma said...

Have you seen the Carpool podcast? TV's Emma Kennedy was on that recently, and Richard Herrings was on just before Christmas. There's a video version as well as the audio one, which is well worth the extra download time.