Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stuck in the Middle With You

Another nice day, even though I woke up early from some *very* strange dreams. To give you a flavour, the least weird was a very vivid dream of going for lunch with Clara Benn, Phil Jupitus and Phill Wilding at a Jimi Hendrix themed Mexican restaurant followed by a motor race where the participants had to crawl on their bellies to get in the cars. As I said, weird.

At least we are reasonably up to date at work, with the software release being mostly completed with most of the day still to go. I did have a temporary brain freeze, wondering why my web app wasn't working when I had it pointed at a non-existent copy of the default style sheet. Doh. Up to Newcastle to install it tomorrow.

We finally got around to watching the Jonathan Creek episode that was on over Easter, and rather disappointing it was too with the plot being so far fetched that it made no sense whatsoever. Looks like it has had its day, unfortunately.

1 comment:

maria said...

One of the things I would like is a way to take photographs in dreams. I'd love to see what a Jimi Hendrix themed Mexican restaurant would look like.

A lot of velvet paintings, maybe?