Saturday, March 20, 2010

Big Science

A gray and wet day, but no matter. We went into town today.

'On a Saturday?' I hear you cry. 'Unthinkable!'. It was however true, and it was for a reason too.

I had an invitation through the post a while ago to take part in a health screening experiment run by an organisation called 'Biobank' which is aimed at building up a large database of medical data which would be used to track the incidence of many diseases and health problems in the general population. As someone in favour of evidence based medicine I reckoned that I should do my bit and toddled along today for my check up.

It was all very efficiently run, starting with a questionnaire on a touch screen (including some memory and reaction games) followed by an eye test, blood pressure check, height and weight and body fat percentage (yes, I'm officially tubbular), a lung function and heart rate check and finally giving samples of blood, saliva (surprisingly difficult to produce the required amount) and urine. The whole process took a little over ninety minutes and I did get a cup of hot chocolate and some biscuits at the end.

Worth doing I think, and it will be interesting to see the results that come out of it in years to come too.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

That's very interesting. I would happily participate in something like that if asked.