Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

One of my habits at this time of year is to keep a weather eye on the five day forecast for signs of snow.

However, I am cynical enough to know that even when the BBC weather man says "Z0MG!!! LOTSA SN0W!!11! RLY!" it usually turns out to be nothing more than a light dusting or a bit of half hearted sleet. For example, yesterday they were faithfully promising snow for Wednesday but this morning it has mysteriously transmuted into light rain. Now they are predicting heavy snow showers for Friday - we shall see what transpires.

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Bit of an odd day in the office today. One of my cow-orkers is leaving tomorrow, so he was sorting out his old papers and stuff today. It's really going to change the dynamic of the team when he goes, at least until we can get somebody else in to replace him. There are a couple of internal candidates, but nothing is going to happen until the new year, I imagine.

Good news on the telly front - apparently 'Miranda' has been picked up for a second season. It really is one of the most enjoyable and upbeat comedies on telly at the moment and really deserves a higher profile slot than being tucked away on BBC2 on a Monday night. Also, according to Andrew Collings himself 'Not Going Out' is also coming back, so a double hurrah!

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

I love it when my weatherman talks like that!