Thursday, October 01, 2009

Daily Post - Thursday

Quiet day in the office with hardly anybody in, and those that were in seemed to be on the quiet side. Ah well, it's a good excuse to plug the headphones in and listen to music on my iPhone.

I spent half the morning trying to work out which of the fifteen cds that I had on my desk were the ones that I need to install the QuickAddress database on my pc and then the other half trying to configure our system to recognise that it was there and then use it appropriately. Very clever when it actually works though.

Last night I spent a bit more time looking at OU stuff and trying out the system for submitting TMAs on line. It seems reasonably straightforward, although for some bizarre reason they insist on things being in .doc format. I would have thought pdf might be better, with at least some certainty that the document will look the same when the other person looks at it on their screen.

After tea we settled down for the last episode of season two of "True Blood" and jolly good it was too. I don't even mind that the plot for this season has meandered more than a Louisiana bayou - this show is all about the atmosphere of sticky, southern nights, blood and corruption. Oh, and plenty of sex and violence. Which is nice.

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