Thursday, March 23, 2006

I got one!

Yes! I paid a visit to Pigwood this evening for a spot of fishing in the rain – a couple of olive flounders, a sea bass, a barred knifejaw and … a coelacanth! W00t! I took it straight back to Dogwood and gave it to Blathers at the museum where it is now happily swimming around in one of tanks in the fish hall.

Work has been fun, for some values of fun. The visit to the other office went well and I was pleased to find that I can still get into my smart suit with the 34” trousers, assuming I breath in a little. The after hours upgrade to the purchase ordering system went reasonably smoothly, apart from when the server rebooted and sat waiting for a keypress to continue. Not a lot of help when you are running it through a remote desktop, so cue a call to the Birmingham office where fortunately enough there was still somebody there, and the security guard with the keys to the server room.

More problematic was the ongoing problems with the network speed, particularly opening the baroque monstrosities that are the sales spreadsheets now that they are on the corporate filing structure rather than the accounts server. We need a better solution than sending 500Kb accumulations of hundreds of lines of VB script around for a 10 line order. Whether the sales people and the accounts people will see eye to eye on this one is another matter entirely.

Still, I don’t care at the moment – cos I caught a coelacanth. Yay me!

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